SmoothPay provides a means of automatically allocating excess hours to TOIL (commonly known as RDO in Australia and often called by different names, such as Time in Lieu, or glide-time).
Alternatively, you can manage it manually.
We'll use TOIL for consistency.
Automatic method
This requires a little bit of setup, and it's pretty easy to try it out:
- Make sure you have a TOIL leave code set up in hours, with the category set to TOIL
- Make sure staff leave records are set up to record TOIL in hours
- in Settings..Payslips, make sure that the TOIL type is set to indicate the TOIL leave code
- in Codes..Work, make sure that each work type is set to contribute to TOIL (or not) as needed
- In the employee's Contract..TOIL tab, set auto-TOIL to per period (or per week etc) and set the threshold.
- For example, you might want any hours in excess of 40 per week to be allocated to TOIL, so set the threshold to 40
- Then, when you enter say 45 hours for the week, 5 hours will automatically be deducted as TOIL
- the payslip should show 45 hours ordinary and -5 hours TOIL - if it doesn't, check the steps above or call the HelpDesk to help you get on track.
Manual method
This requires that you have TOIL set up as a leave code and categorised correctly (see above) and that it's enabled for the employee.
Then, if you want to allocate some excess time in a pay period, just add the -5 hours as a manual TOIL entry in Leave Taken.
When the pay is processed, the leave entry will accrue against the employee's TOIL balance (and appear on their next payslip if you have TOIL balances set to display in Codes..Leave)
Consuming TOIL
Simply add a TOIL leave entry to the employee's pay input in Leave Taken.
Any TOIL balance (along with any Alternative Leave (NZ)) will be paid out automatically when you use the Terminate employee process in their final pay.