At this stage restricted to PNG and provides for currency adjustment allowance on gross taxable or fixed net pay (excl non-taxable allowances and recurring or sundry deductions) but could easily be extended to other countries
Settings..Misc: tick multi-currency to make feature available
BSP Exchange rates are available here: and you can open that page from goPayroll using the Tools menu option (countries other than PNG will link instead to via the Tools menu)
Codes..Currency: establish currency codes and exchange rates
if you're buying TT value from BSP (and you'll TT funds to an overseas bank) then use the *TT Sell* rates
if you're paying the PGK equivalent then you should probably use the *Notes Sell* rates
if you use both methods then you'll need two currency codes set up (e.g. AUD or AUDTT for the TT rate, and AUD/PGK for the cash rate) and assign as needed to your employee's Contract settings
Staff..Contract..Employment: set up salary and/or payrate as if you were working in the target currency and save, then
Click the "currency" button and select the required options (currency selection, option to process a fixed net pay based on taxable earnings and the fixed net pay amount)
The "currency" button will be labelled according to the currency selected (default is "Local currency")
Gross taxable currency conversion
When you process a pay for an employee with Gross taxable currency conversion, you'll enter the pay entries as usual and the software will calculate a gross adjustment:
gross taxable earnings / exchange rate - gross taxable earnings, that is: a total conversion, less the amount already calculated in the detail transactions
the result will be automatically added as a Currency conversion adjustment transaction with the calculation shown as a comment (a system paycode is automatically maintained to cater for this)
Fixed net pay conversion
If you ticked the fixed net pay option and set a net value target then:
the PGK target value is calculated as: net pay target / exchange rate
a net to gross calculation is performed (excl non-taxable allowances and any recurring or sundry deductions)
the result will be a Net pay adjustment transaction made up of calculated gross - taxable earnings with the calculation shown as a comment (a system paycode is automatically maintained to cater for this)
More information: