SmoothPay can generate direct credit files to pay your staff (and any payments to other agencies you've deducted from staff wages) for most banks in all our supported countries.
- Settings..Bank: select your primary bank from which payroll payments will be made, enter the bank+branch (BSB) and account number, and set the filename as needed.
- For each employee you can add one or more bank accounts, and each can be tailored for a percentage, fixed amount per pay, or remaining net pay.
- Similarly, agencies (your company for staff debt or invoice repayments, rent, fines, tax arrears and other garnishee orders) can be included in the direct credit file simply by including the bank account info in the agency setup (Codes..Agencies).
Multi-bank outputs
Some countries have multi-bank output options so that transactions for specific banks can be collated into separate output files for faster processing by those banks.
- This setting, if available, can be found in Settings..Bank.
Producing the direct credit file
- The direct credit file is generally produced automatically when you Process Pays (Step 3 of the 3-step pay process).
- You can also produce the direct credit file for any prior payroll batch (very handy when setting up direct credits for the first time so you can test the output with your banking system) from Reports..Pays..Direct credit.
Where is the file?
- Desktop payroll: the file will be created in C:\SmoothpayGold folder by default, unless you specify a fully qualified path (e.g. Z:\bank\payroll.txt). You can then upload the file to the bank for authorisation.
- goPayroll online: You'll find the file in Files. You need to download the file, then upload to the bank for authorisation.
My bank isn't listed
In this case we would need contact details for the bank (name, email address and phone number), or:
- the file format specification from your bank
- the file naming convention (e.g. suffix .aba or .pc1 or .txt etc.)
- and a sample file that is known to work with that banking system
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